Structure of the group

trashbusters, pulizie, impresa, attica,


Provides administration and organization services to the other companies of the Group. In particular: accounting; purchase of goods and equipment for the services offered by the TRASH BUSTERS Consortium; coordination of the Group’s activities.


Established in October 1996, this company is the administration unit of the Group of companies set up by the owner, an entrepreneur who has been operating in the commercial cleaning services market since 1968. Joining forces with ORIZZONTE s.c., ATTICA s.r.l., created the TRASH BUSTERS Consortium for marketing and customer relationships.

Since January 1997 the Group has offered general cleaning services to businesses as well as the delivery of toilet paper and personal hygiene products such as hand towels, soap etc. The company, which operates throughout the province of Modena and its neighbouring areas, has a product warehouse in the head office’s rear and a further warehouse for machinery and equipment located nearby.
